Monday, December 15, 2008

The Best Christmas Story I Have Read in a Long Time!

This morning we finished reading Cootie McKay's Nativity by Todd Wilson and I could hardly finish reading it for crying! It is the most precious and wonderful Christmas story I have read in a very long time. I received this book, along with book 2 of The Familyman's Christmas Treasury (Captain Chaos and the Manger Blaster!) and To Bethlehem - a Christmas Game for the Entire Family. I have been SO impressed with these wonderful products by The Familyman - Todd Wilson. I learned of these products through a weekly email newsletter that I get called The Homeschool Minute. Todd is one of the weekly contributors and has mentioned his game and books, so I just had to check them out. We love to play games, so I was really interested in a game about Christmas.To Bethlehem is so much fun to play and the more players the merrier! It is simple enough for little ones to participate, but fun for anyone at any age. There are silly things and questions that make you really think about the true meaning of Christmas. You use shekels (gold plastic coins) for money and there are times you have to pay fees or other players. You may have to sit on someone else's lap or wear your socks on your hands, but I guarantee that you will have fun and make some treasured memories along the way!

Then we began reading Cootie McKay's Nativity after breakfast together as a family. Wow, what an incredible reminder about the real reason we celebrate Christmas - and I'm not talking about Jesus being born! I don't want to spoil the ending, but we wouldn't be celebrating His birth if He wasn't alive now!! I cried through the last several pages with joy at this wonderful story (it is bringing tears to my eyes just remembering it:-). I can't wait to read Captain Chaos - I think we will start it tomorrow morning.

Todd is an excellent writer and brings the characters to life through his words. My family got a kick out of me reading Cootie's accent! He has a wonderful heart for fathers and families and I am going to have to check out more of his products after seeing how wonderful these are! I hope there are more Christmas Treasury stories in the works!

If you want to make some precious Christmas memories this year, hurry and order To Bethlehem and the 2 Familyman's Christmas Treasury books! I bet they can still get them to you in time if you hurry! You and your family will truly be blessed!

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