Did I say I LOVE it? I have been so happy with this unit study that we are using next year that I decided I just wanted to share about it with you all. It is called
A World of Adventures by Learning Adventures. It started with Ancient Egypt and continues through the Age of Exploration. It is so well laid out and so much research and information is included that you could just read what
Dorian Holt wrote and get a great education. But when you add videos, DVDs, and books from the library, as well an online resources, you come away with an incredible amount of learning and adventures!! What an appropriate name!
You can go over to the
Learning Adventures website and even view some
Sample Lesson Plans just to give you a good idea of how much is included. She very adequately covers Bible, Literature (it is a literature-based unit study using some incredible classics), Language Arts (including Spelling, Grammar, Writing and more), Social Studies, Science and Fine Arts. The only thing that I supplement is Math and Typing!
This curriculum is geared to 4th-8th graders, but can be altered to accommodate youngers and even olders, too. I have used MANY unit studies over the years (because that is all that I use) and have never found such a complete package as this one is.
Each year costs about
$90-$100 for the full curriculum! That is a great price, too! And for about $20-$26 you can also order the Student Pages which are a tremendous help with Spelling, Grammar, etc. This curriculum is worth every penny and we have had a tremendous year learning with Learning Adventures. We are going to continue with A New World of Adventure this coming year and we (my kids and I) are really looking forward to it.

I also made up my own Lesson Plan pages to go along with this curriculum, and that has made it so much easier. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner (it didn't take much time at all). I have my notebook with the unit we are studying, plus my lesson plan pages, and each child has their notebook with their Student Pages, writing assignments, projects, maps, etc. It is so convenient and easy to begin our school day each day with this.

If you decide to buy Learning Adventures, please let Dorian know that I sent you. I don't get anything from it, I just want her to know how much I appreciate the work she has put into this great curriculum. I am going to email her today and let her know how much we have enjoyed it, too!
Check out the
Carnival of Homeschooling hosted by
Po Moyemu this week.
Thanks for your entry in the carnival, and the link!
well i think that i am going to try to teach my children at home. i have to admit i am really nervous,yet very excited. I think if i had a support system or knew other moms i would not be so nervous.
That certainly does look like an interesting curriculum. And what a great price too!
This is such a fun one! We used it once years ago, and loved it. (They just didn't have the second one ready to go when we needed it.) Have a great time. It's fabulous!
Thanks for linking to it on HOTM! I'm glad that I got to read it. :)
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