Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Make Multiplication Fun!!

Times Tales is the answer to all your children's struggles with learning their times tables!! I was very skeptical when I first purchased this product several years ago, but after only 30 minutes, I was a believer!! My daughter had struggled so much with trying to memorize her times tables without much success. And after only a few minutes with this story-like program, she only needs a very slight memory prompt in order to remember any of the upper, more difficult times tables. It took so much stress out of our lives and in such a short period of time!!

And when I received the newer version, I found that it also included the more difficult lower multiplication facts ( like 4x6 and 4x8) which my daughter was still struggling with. In minutes, she solved that dilemma forever! I cannot speak highly enough about this simple, yet amazing, method.

I also had the pleasure of checking out the Clean n Flip charts from Trigger Memory Systems: Zone Cleaning for kids, Laundry for kids, and Bedroom Cleaning for kids. Boy, do I wish I had bought these a few years ago - we would have foregone so much aggravation and stress over cleaning up! These charts are laminated and simply designed for ease of use for your kiddos. They are a fantastic way to help your kids learn to be responsible and they can work through the steps on their own without needing Mom to oversee. I am very impressed with these wonderful products. Go to their website and check them out - I promise you won't be disappointed!

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