This year, we saw the vision for Hope House come into reality. God provided all that we had need of to get the facility ready (thanks to some new friends from Tracy, CA). He brought us a wonderful director that we have confidence in to accomplish the work God has put in her heart as well as ours. He has provided for every need throughout the year - in His time!
He led us to make the move up to the Phoenix area and worked out every little detail to accomplish that move. We are very excited to be able to worship in His awesome presence every week with these folks who have become like family to us!
We have continued to grow as a family and our children have entered those teen years! Our relationships with them have grown and changed, and all for the better! God is so awesome! If we will just learn to WAIT ON HIM, He will accomplish every good work in our lives!
For the past 5 years or so, the main lesson we have been learning is to wait on Him - for everything! For His provision, for His leading, for His timing (which is NEVER the same as ours:-) and for every little thing! He knows all and sees all and is the best to decide the what, where, how and when! We serve an absolutely awesome God!
And as far as this economy goes, well He is in charge and will always take care of us. We have been excited about the low gas prices and grocery prices since stores are competing for our business. When you already live VERY frugally, the downturn in the economy hasn't had that great of an affect, except in ways that have benefited our budget:-). So look on the bright side and take advantage of those lower prices while they are here. And God will take care of us when things change again, too! He has a plan and He ALWAYS provides for His own! Trust in Him, lean on Him, look to Him and you will have a wonderful new year (no matter what the circumstances are)!