This week my thoughts have been turning to keeping our eyes and focus on Jesus. This month of March ushers in our celebration of the death and resurrection of our Savior, and I want to encourage each of you to spend time each day seeking His face, His heart, His mind in our lives and for our day. It is so easy to get distracted by the “busy-ness” of life and lose our focus. But especially during these weeks leading up to Jesus’ Resurrection celebration, I want us to deliberately get our focus on Him – to see what He sees, to hear what He is saying, to do what He is doing.
He suffered much so that we might be healed. He took on the pain that should have been ours. He gave His life so that we might have life eternally with Him. We have so very much to thank Him for, yet how much time do we spend doing that? I am sure that we spend more time complaining than we do thanking, fussing than we do worshipping, yelling than we do shouting praise.
So this is my challenge to each of you – take time every day during this month of March to focus on Him and give Him thanks and praise for who He is, for what He has done for you, for what He has planned for your life and your childrens’ lives.
Ask Him what He would have you to do each day. Listen to His voice and obey His leading. Teach and lead your children and family in this way and you will stand amazed at the things God can and will do in your life. He is sitting on the edge of His throne, just waiting for you to look to Him. He is anxious to bless you and lead you and teach you. He is just waiting for you to look His way and ask Him for direction. He yearns to be gracious to us. He is always speaking to us. He loves us more than we can ever imagine – unconditionally, no matter what we have done.
Let Him show Himself faithful and strong to you this month. You will never be the same again!
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