My favorite time that I spend home schooling with my kids is when we snuggle on the couch and I read to them. I try to do this daily, but it happens usually 3 or 4 evening a week. To me, this is my favorite time and I hope they never outgrow it. I had a friend back in Myrtle Beach who told me that even when her kids were high school age, they still wanted her to read aloud to them together. That is my hope! And now my kids are 13 and 11, and they still beg me to read almost every night. I love it! It is the most precious time to me. It makes me stop the busy-ness of the day and just be with them. We have read all kinds of books - some that make me cry, some that make me laugh, some that are difficult to get through (written at very high levels) and some that are just quick and easy. I hope we never lose the closeness that we share when we read together!
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Heart of the Matter to see what others have said about their "Favorite Homeschooling Moment."
LOL, you're a crier too?! My kids tease me that I can't get through some books.
My favorite too! My kids are the same age as yours! We use Sonlight for the Read Alouds and Readers! I Cry too...and my kids laugh or stare at me one! Thanks for Sharing!
My appreciation for audio books is now over the Moon.....I LOVE sitting with my daughter and just listening to a book.
Thanks for sharing!! : )
I like reading historical fiction aloud to the kids. My son is 14 and he still listens. I usually add my own comments while I'm reading, because I get so excited about the things that I'm learning as I read the book.
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