I have learned SO much from so many great ladies on the blogosphere, that I just wanted to take a moment to share some of them with you. I try to start out my day by reading some of my favorites. I click through as quickly as I can, but my list keeps getting longer and now I have to spread it throughout the day. Here are some of my favorites, so you can check them out, too.
Like Merchant Ships - (from Prov. 31) "Join me as I practice cheerful frugality - discovering God's plenty, secondhand.
Money Saving Mom - helping you be a better home economist.
Stop the Ride! - living simply and frugally. Reducing debt by using online earning opportunities.
Motherload: The MomAdvice.com Blog
Tammy's Recipes - great place for all kinds of recipes, as well as Kitchen Tips Tuesday
Frugal Blog at Families.com
Homemaker's Cottage Blog
Passionate Homemaking
Biblical Womanhood - encouraging and equipping women
Rocks in My Dryer - of course! Home of Works For Me Wednesday
TipNut - Tons of great tips every day!
These are my top favorites to read every day. Hope you have a chance to enjoy them, too!
This is what "works for me", and you can find much more over at Rocks in My Dryer.
These are a lot of the blogs that I read everyday, and some of the best. I have over 300 in my Google Reader now, myself! They're all fantastic choices and have a lot of insight whether you're a beginner or a pro :)
I have a lot of favorite blogs and websites myself,so I add them over time on the links section to my blog.
Thanks for adding the helpful links on your blog.
Check out my blog for the latest beauty tips and advice-http://shopinchic.blogspot.com
Thanks again
Marked them all. Several I already go to daily...
Thanks for sharing
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