As the days are beginning to heat up, it is hard to focus. This is a great time to reevaluate your goals for the year, see what you have already accomplished and restructure your plans for the rest of your school year. Here are a few things to keep in mind and to help alleviate some possible frustration. First, the curriculum is only a tool. It should work FOR you, not frustrate you. Second, did you ever actually complete a textbook before the end of the year when you were in school? And third (and this especially applies to math), the first part of the next grade level is usually review, so your kids won’t miss out on anything if they don’t complete every page in the book.
Begin thinking now about what you would like to use next year. That way you can begin to gather your materials at the best prices either at used curriculum sales, yard sales, home school conventions and conferences, or online resources. Take advantage of opportunities to expand your home school horizons like workshops, conferences, magazines and other home school families. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, especially at homeschool get-together days, where you can reap from a wealth of experience.
Most of all, relax and enjoy your kids. The time you have with them will pass all too quickly, they will be grown and on their own. Rest in the arms of He who is our all in all and allow Him to lead and guide you through this home schooling adventure and make it a treasured time for you and your family.
(photo courtesy of freepixels.com)
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