Well, I just wanted to share how I used the WHOLE turkey (well, almost:-). First of all, I took out the raw turkey neck to give to my great big Akita. Did you know that raw turkey necks are great for dogs? Apparently, the bones don't splinter until you cook them. Well, my dogs LOVE them (and then they love me, too!)
OK, I don't use the WHOLE turkey because I still can't bring myself to use the stuff in the little paper bag inside. YUCK! Over the many years of my life (I am no spring chicken - pun intended), I have never had them served in a way that tasted good to me. Not in gravy or noodles or anything! So if you have some ideas for me, just leave a comment. But I sorta doubt I will try it anytime soon:-).
Then I roasted the whole turkey in my roasting pan for several hours with a little olive oil spritzed on and some 21 Seasoning Salute (from Trader Joe's - they should pay me for all the promotion I give them:-) sprinkled over it. This will feed us for at least 3 meals. After we ate dinner, I put the second breast in one bag and all the other parts of meat into another bag.
THEN (this is the new part for me:-) I took the carcass and all the skin, fat, bones, etc. and put them back into my roasting pan with some carrots, celery and onion, as well as some other seasonings like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (sounds like a song, huh?). I then boiled it for an hour (it was late and online directions varied from 1 hour to 12 hours), removed all the paraphernalia (there is another more appropriate name for all of that, but I can't remember it) and put the broth into the refrigerator overnight.
So, today I am thinking about inventing a new recipe with barley and turkey and maybe even lentils and some veggies like broccoli, carrots, celery. I don't know, I am still mulling it over, but I am sure it will make some great soup! Any killer recipes for using turkey broth that I should try? Just leave me a comment - I will sure appreciate it!
For more Frugal Friday ideas, please visit Biblical Womanhood.
You can use chicken in much the same way (as we've discussed in the past, DL). In my neck of the woods, I can get a whole chicken for much cheaper than a whole turkey! Compare prices, and you never lose :)
I love Gospel/Christian music. I loved the song playing on your blog! Katherine Nelson is really good!!! I blog surfed to your site! HOpe you had a good day I just stopped and wanted to say, "hi"!
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