When I do something like make buttermilk, I get lots of questions about whether buttermilk is good for you. So here is Buttermilk Primer 101. You can find much more info online, if you are interested in researching for yourself.
Buttermilk is a Probiotic food. These contain living microorganisms, that can survive the passage through the stomach and become active in the intestines.
Healthy bacteria reside in everybody's colon, and in return for food and a warm place to live these resident bacteria contribute to your health. One of the most intestinal-friendly resident bacteria is the family of lactobacteria, so-called because they thrive on lactose sugars. The commonest form is L.acidophilus.
Here are some healthy things these bacteria do to your body:
> Manufacture vitamins
> Improve digestion
> Boost Immunity
> Manufacture nutrients
> Protect against cardiovascular diseases
> Protect against carcinogens
Buttermilk is lower in fat than regular milk, because the fat has been removed to make butter. It is also high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus.
Those with digestive problems are often advised to drink buttermilk rather than milk, as it is more quickly digested. Buttermilk has more lactic acid than skim milk.
One cup of buttermilk has 99 calories and 2.2 grams of fat, whereas whole milk has 157 calories and 8.9 grams of fat. Do check the labels as some brands of buttermilk are higher in fat than others.
Decades ago, buttermilk was made from the liquid that separated from butter during the churning process. Left to ferment naturally the result was old-fashioned buttermilk, a thinner, sweeter beverage than what's in dairy cases today Now buttermilk is made by adding cultured bacteria to low-fat or fat-free milk, just like yogurt. The live cultures provide its distinctive rich, creamy texture--and a host of health benefits.
So drink up for your health! And enjoy that smooth, slightly tart, creamy texture (I like mine with some black pepper sprinkled in).
By the way, my homemade buttermilk came out FANTASTIC!! For pennies compared to store-bought.