Sunday, February 17, 2008

Some of my favorite homeschooling links

I decided I wanted to share some of my favorite homeschool links with you today. So check them out when you have the time. I hope this is a helpful resource for you.

Homeschool Math - online games and resources to help with math
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - virtual help with all types of math and all levels
Living Math! - literature for learning math concepts
Figure This! - math challenges for families

Learning Through History - great history resources

Discovery School - great learning adventures and much more!
Cool Science for Curious Kids - great resource for exploring science topics
Plant Quests - great resource for studying plants
The Great Dinosaur Mystery - fun and educational site by Christian Answers
4 2 explore - great for unit studies or just researching a topic

Unit Studies for Homeschool - great list of topics and resources
Internet Directory of Unit Studies - by the Four Wheelers and another great resource

Free Homeschool Stuff - links to all kinds of freebies
Easy Fun School - tons of great resources

WebMonkey for Kids - teaches kids how to build a website

Well, that's just a sampling of some of my favorite resources for homeschooling. Let me know if you find something you like. I will post another list with more resources from time to time. If you are looking for something in particular, just let me know and I will post a link to help you find what you are looking for.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Homesteading Carnival #7 is up! Thanks for your submission!